Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Marty & Zach

So, our two biggest free agents went the way that I thought they would....Marty's back and Zach has flown home.  Funny, if I had to choose, I may have gone the reverse, but it is a great story that Marty will finish his long and proud career in NJ.  You don't see that too often in professional sports anymore.  How many players can you think of that spent almost an entire career with one organization only to spend their last year or so somewhere else?  Though he's far from the prime of his career these days, MB30 clearly showed that he still has it in this year's playoff run.  Perhaps we rest him often again this season and keep him fresh for the playoffs... Anyway, welcome back Marty.  Here's to two more.
The Parise thing is a little less shocking for me.  I knew he was going elsewhere, although Devils faithful were in denial over this.  I'm not big into following players and their personal lives, so I only recently learned of his engagement to his ND fiancee.  It's not difficult to understand why he wants to play in Minnesota.  Family, future, etc.. He was already building a house there as well so maybe he had a really clear crystal ball.  I'm a little in disbelief that the Wild landed him and Suter, but I've always struggled to understand why certain teams have the money while others do not.  He will be missed, but somehow, I do not feel that the loss of our captain is the end of the world.  Minnesota is out of the division and far away.  At least he did not go to Philly, which would have been awful.  I'm looking forward to a decent forward signing before long and moving on...
People can say that free agency is a shame and career loyalty does not exist anymore, but I think it keeps us all on our toes and each season a fresh one.  Life goes on and so will we.  Good luck , Zach....but better luck Marty!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Congrats LA

Well....I could sit here and be super bitter and play the role of a sore loser, but why?  Although it sucks to have a run like that over the course of two months of emotional ups and downs, it's great to look at all that the Devils have accomplished this season, especially on the heels of a poor performance last season.  Let's face it, the Kings were stellar throughout these playoffs.  Their play on the road was unheard of, their goalie was the true King in these playoffs (not the one named Henry.....), and their penalty kill all but dismembered our power play.  So to the Kings and their true fans, and their now bandwagon full of johnny-come-latelys, I say congratulations.  You don't have an NFL team, so there you go, enjoy it.  Your team certainly earned it and I tipped my hat to your cup raising party.
I cannot stress enough just how proud I am of this team.  Though we can all point to a few dubious performances and wallow in our injuries, the Devils had quite the season.  Wasn't it fun?!  ....and now we can look forward to next season and start looking at who's in and who's out.  Will Zach return as captain, will Marty give it another season, will Salvador stay on the blue line???  A run like this is unlikely next year as the league has so much parity, and maybe that's what hurts the most.  Was this THE chance?!  The league tends to ebb and flow a bit so I'll keep next year's expectations at a reasonable level.  But this is the fun of "sport".  If it worked out often, the taste of victory would never be as sweet. 
I'm sure this will be an offseason full of more financial scenario talk.  Oh yeah, we almost forgot about that.  Certainly, this playoff run was one game short of a perfect season for the team's finances and for Newark.  Though the cash flow from these playoffs is probably a small percentage of what can make a difference, every little bit helps. Certainly, there is a healthy buzz around this state.....well, almost all parts of this state..about this team.  I watched the facebook following explode, more media articles show themselves, and heard rumors of an expanded season ticket base for next year.
One thing is for sure.  We can all have our lives back and enjoy the summer.  Thankfully, I'm not much of a baseball fan anymore.  After a spring like this, I need a few months off before football returns and hockey starts it all over again.
For now, thank you Devils!!  It was a real party.  Let's do it again next year.

See you in Rocktober!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Back to Newark!

So what we are down 3-1?! We spoiled the sweep and broke that Kings mystique that has been forming over all of our heads throughout these playoffs. A bounce finally went our way as evident on the Elias goal, and Quick finally was not quick enough on the Henrique goal. See...? Was it so hard to go HIGH? Now the Kings magic has a blemish. Perhaps we take a little extra confidence into Saturday and believe that this hole is not too deep and that even if this is the Kings year, it doesn't have to be so damn easy for them. One step at a time. Now we spoil their road streak... For tonight, I am glowing red. So so happy that we live to fight another day....and even happier that there is another night of hockey in June! ...and by the way, pardon my French, but can the media suck the Kings off any more?! Really?? Let's Go Devils!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012


0-2 hurts, especially when the first two were at home.  I don't think I'm alone in saying that I'd almost rather lose convincingly than drop two in OT.  Overtime is random....let's face it.  The best team does not always win, nor does the best team in OT win the game.  One goal and you are done and here we sit now 0-2 and heading out west.  The mystique of this Kings team with their road dominance continues.  I hate to say it, but I almost get the sense that Quick is in the Devils' heads at this point.  Why we are not going high on him more often, I do not know, but he has been pretty solid.  Marty has been great too and bailed us out of good scoring chances.  Still, the Kings are getting the goal when it matters.  No one will remember or care who outplayed who in this final.  The final score tells the story and it's not a story I'm liking so far. 
I'm not saying it's over and it's FAR from over, but having the cup in our arms will be that much harder now.  We MUST rebound in game 3.  Zach and Kovy need to step up and make something happen and that power play needs to set up and re-open that passing clinic that was on display against our division rivals. ...and hit that open net like your life depended on it....*cough cough Fayne!  It's tough to bounce back from two heartbreaking OT losses, but this is where the resolve of the team will be most apparent.  Credit the Kings in two well-played games, but let's hope the hockey gods really do not want it to be their year! 
Monday can't come soon enough.  Let's GO Devils!

Monday, May 28, 2012

We WANT the CUP!

So it is.....Stanley Cup Finals!!!  Man it was sweet to knock the Rangers out and silence their arrogant fans.  It was a pretty competitive series, certainly more than the Flyers series, and will admit to being quite nervous in OT game 6.  Boy, if I had to listen to one more reference to 1994 I was going to vomit....about ten times.  So what, I understand that it was the ECF and all, but really, I did not get all of the comparisons.  How funny though, after listening to Sam Rosen's "Matteau Matteau" for years and years, what a twist of fate for them to now hear "Henrique Henrique".  Ha!
I loved how the Rangers sent their "goons" out late in game 4 with that turncoat Rupp sucker-punching Marty in the throat.  I seriously wanted to climb through my TV and get a piece of him!  I thought it was a little embarrassing that there was no real revenge and a very timid response to all of that crap, but whatever.  I'd rather have the series win than be the toughest team on the block.
So after listening to the media call for the Devils to lose to the Panthers, get mauled by the Flyers, and lose in Game 7 again to the Rangers, we now have to hear about how tough the ....*cough cough, eight-seeded Kings will be.  Certainly, they rolled over their Western opponents in convincing fashion and they are hot, but maybe their short layoff will cool their jets. 
Unless I was high this weekend, I totally missed out on any ticket opportunities.  When the hell was that limited window to buy?!?  I checked Saturday morning and saw nothing, then returned home from a BBQ to hear "SOLD OUT".  Damn!!  ... Oh well, I will equally enjoy a cup from the comfort of my living room.
....and S T I L L .....not a Devils fan to be seen in South Jersey....
Let's go Devils!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

ROCK The Rangers!

Ahhh.....hell yeah.  Last time we left, the Rangers/Caps had yet to be decided, but here we are.  Tied 1-1 heading back home to Newark.  I'm so happy we stole one at MSG, as that is always a boost to the home team and crowd.  Going back home 2-0 would have been a little deflating, to say the least.  After getting shut out in the first game, the fear of "King Henrik" and the "amazing"' shot-blocking talents of the Blueskirts blue line was starting to play into my psyche.  Kovy's goal in game 2 was just what the doctor ordered.
Now about 30 minutes from game time, I'll be planted in my living room hoping for the best.  I really hope there is a sea of red to support the home team.  The Ranger invasion is fierce during the regular season, as these arenas sit a stone's throw away from each other and linked by the PATH train.  But I'm hoping for a different story here in the playoffs.  More buzz about the Devils this year, season ticket holders gobbling up playoff tickets, and most of the tickets should have been sold long before the Rangers' fans even knew of their fate.  Still, you know they will infiltrate like a blue disease and they will be loud.  We must give them NOTHING to cheer about. 
Shoot, shoot, and shoot some more......and let's go Devils!!

PS-- I saw some clown in his orange Jagr jersey this morning.  Okay....number one, if your team is out of the playoffs, why would you wear a long-sleeved hockey jersey on an 80 degree day?!?!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Eastern Conference Finals

Wow...moving on!!  Big win and solid series with the Flyers.  This is not your father's Devils team.  They are deeper than the damn trap that they are consistently accused of.  The forwards were swarming on the forecheck like nasty killer bees.  The Flyers were so incredibly confused and frustrated in this series, which was evident.    Oh and how sweet is was for Marty to win on his birthday.
I do wonder, however, how good a few days off is for the boys.  I like being the hot team and staying hot moving right along to the next.  Of course, the Rangers are needing a 7th game to get through the Caps and who knows who will win.  A Hudson River series would be wild and I'm sure the NY media is salivating at the thought.  Personally, I wouldn't mind if the Rangers lose game 7 and we don't even have to deal with them or their blueshirt invasion.  ...and how about those Kings out west??
All of this is great for a team struggling financially so it will be interesting to see what the off-season news is like.  Hopefully, we can keep Zach around, but that's for the summer.  Bring on the Caps/Rags.
STILL....not a Devils fan in sight around here, but at least, the orange shirts and jerseys will go into hiding until next year!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Every year, I just know it.  Inevitably, it always ends up as some kind of major playoff altercation between my wife's Giants and the Eagles or my Devils and the Flyers.  Last time around, it did not go so well for my Devils.  But this is a different season and a different team.  Up 2-1 in the series, I am cautiously optimistic and fully expecting a war until the end.  Game 4 tomorrow at the Rock should be another good one.  Each game takes me closer to that heart attack.  I changed my diaper twice in overtime in Game 3 with that BS boarding call and Salvador's puck over the boards.  Let's hope for less penalty kills and more power plays, especially with the game on the line.
In lighter news, it's almost comical to see all of the locals change their shirts from the currently sad red Phillies to the bandwagon inviting Orange Flyers.  Not that support is ever lacking around here for the Flyers, but when the playoffs are here, especially against the across-the-river rival, that bandwagon is chock full of fire.  I still have yet to witness an actual Devils fan in South Jersey other than myself, though I hear they are out there.
Until this series is over, I'll continue to bite my nails ferociously and continue to pass on my Orange juice in the morning.
Light that goal horn ablaze tomorrow!

The Devil IS in South Jersey

Eight years ago, I thought I had found the promised land.  After one year of marriage and two long years of searching for homes in Passaic County, we had given up.  We thought that a nice affordable home was a hopeless case.  We were outbid, defeated, and broken by our poor budget, termites, radon, you name it.  I know!-- we'll move to another market....and so we considered the Philadelphia suburbs.  I did not know much about this area, but assumed that it was like NYC suburbs, just on a smaller scale.  Boy was I a fool!  We started looking at homes in the Cherry Hill area and immediately fell in love with the quiet, tree-lined neighborhoods, over-abundance of all of the comforts we enjoyed up north, and oh yeah....those affordable prices!  After finding our "dream" starter home, we thought the price was too good to be true.  Like fools, we overpaid, but got a steal by North Jersey market standards.  And so it began...
It didn't take long to realize that our love of our new idyllic hometown and area had one major flaw.....the sports.  I had always known that Philadelphia was a big sports town and I knew some of the folklore about their fans, but I/we never really anticipated all of the hatred and scorn that came along with moving from North Jersey.  The accents were funny, but Sundays in the fall, not so much!  Before long, we experienced some strange looks, comments, and odd occurrences at our home.  Perhaps it was the "Giants suck" comment thrown in my pregnant wife's face at the Cherry Hill mall (for the record, I am a Jets fan), the bitter comments thrown by a ravenous Eagles fan in her 60s, the brainwashing handed down from the local media daily, or just the lack of pride in anything New Jersey.  Eight years later, we question our move here.
As a Devils/Jets fan, things are not always easy.  Though the Jets association does not invite much backlash, certainly my wife's Giants association does.  The Devils are another sad story.  My fellow locals REALLY believe they are not living in New Jersey.  The love Philadelphia like it is some golden utopia, they worship their Philly friends who in turn, do nothing but put them down, and they fall in line and for the sake of being accepted and loved, tow the Philly sports line.  Yes, this is life in South Jersey, PA, or so they wish.
This blog is meant to document and hopefully laugh about some of my experiences here, as a stranger in a strange land.  The people are nice as long as you don't mention your sports allegiances.  Well, that is a major problem.  So here we go.... Perhaps there are more of you out there.  Let's hope...
In many ways, I am the Devil in South Jersey.